Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So here's the deal I'm about to travel the world, blogging as I go. 
Hopefully as consistently as is possible when on the move. Here you can follow all that I do and see and hopefully experience some of my own experiences through my blog. At the moment I am two weeks today away from the airport and leaving Australia behind for Europe and hopefully some summer sun.
The idea of having to rely on oneself is really quite daunting and probably the thing that is making me most nervous. Not that i don't think of myself as being a capable reliable person, just that the idea of having to rely solely on my own decisions, memory, instincts and life skills is really quite scary. 
The easier, but probably not as fun option, is to stay at hope and knit and draw my way through winter, under my bed with a hot water bottle and some cinnamon tea. But that is not what is going to happen. In two weeks I will be getting on a plane (probably still with my hot water bottle) and trying to stay as far away from the snotty, sniffly, sneezing six year old in the seat next to me.
I am hoping, and I know this is trivial, but I am hoping that I will get a window seat because this is the first time i have flown in a plane since I was ten and sixteen years since going overseas ( I was nearly three, so it really doesn't count).